Carolina Fest -- Monday, September 3, 2012
Labor Day in the Convention city--a day for everyone, convention delegates, volunteers, Charlotte friends and neighbors and all the in-laws to celebrate the beautiful city of Charlotte!
Tryon Street is closed off for the day with street vendors overflowing the sidewalks and everyone looking for a little shade under the lovely trees that grace the downtown area.
The corner of Trade and Tryon marks the very heart of Charlotte. Tradition says that this crossroads was in use in the days when the Native Americans made their homes here. Today, the old crossroads is tented for welcoming speeches and music by some of North Carolina's own musicians.
Here's the stage at the corner of Trade and Tryon with the Charlotte in 2012 motto, "We Make it Possible" emblazoned over the podium.
Dan's parents, Jane and Harwell Murrey, staunch Republicans
from the great state of Tennessee have joined us
to check out the activities!
Three Murrey men in consultation....
Dan opens Carolina Fest with words of welcome from the Host Committee.
Mayor Anthony Fox follows Dan with his own words of welcome.
Senator Kay Hagan is next...
Then some rap music...
very LOUD rap music, and we decided to go exploring.....
Lucy had an interesting assignment for the day. She was runner for the "green room" where all the day's performers waited their turn to perform. Her instructions included "if one of them wants purple jellybeans and you can only find mixed jellybeans, you pick out the purple ones and take the purple ones to them," Lucy was a tired girl by the time she went off duty as a runner. Her report??? "Some of them are very spoiled brats. " Fame is fleeting.
A large bronze statue stands on each of the corners of Trade and Tryon, each one representing
a different aspect of the Queen City.
This statue of a woman and child look to the future with all its possibilities and promise.
This statue of a gold miner represents Commerce. Charlotte had gold mines in days gone by. The gold miner is pouring money on the head of a banker--Charlotte's commerce of today.
Cotton mills have been a large part of the Charlotte and North Carolina economy.
This statue depicts a mill worker, and represents Industry.
This statue of a railroad worker holding a hammer speaks to Charlotte's position
as a transportation hub.
We wander in the crowd on down Tryon to see what else we can see....
What's this??? The C-Span bus??

I asked the nice man standing in front of the bus if Brian Lamb was there. I would like to tell Mr. Lamb how much I enjoy watching Book-TV on the weekends and sometimes streaming the programs we've missed. That nice Southern man said to me, "Awww, honey, Mr. Lamb ain't here..He's back at the hotel in the air-conditioning." Well, it is hot, and Brian Lamb is probably reading a book!
The street is full of folks. Did I mention that it is hot??
It's the Executive Director of the Host Committee and his lovely wife with her ice cold water bottle!
Good ole Southern Food fills the street with lines of folks waitin' to try collard greens and turkey legs. Get 'em while they're hot!
More turkey legs, this time they're smoked.
Dan the Pig Man has a nice crowd waiting for bar-b-que.
Blooming onions has a crowd.
Dave and Fran's Southern Cafe has the longest line--that menu sure looks good.
Google created an interesting building using a facade of brightly colored railroad freight containers.
Lots of out houses are all lined up on a side street. They've thought of everything!
There is even a climbing wall that this gal has scaled almost to the top. The traffic light keeps turning red and green, but there are no cars today on the streets.
This must be folks from the New York delegation--they've brought the Statue of Liberty. Who knew the Statue of Liberty had black shoes and socks??
Here's a nice street view of Charlotte's newest skyscraper, the Duke Power Tower! Usually you can't get this picture because you can't stand in the middle of the street in all the traffic.
Another skyscraper worthy of the name. There was an eagle flying and soaring in the wind drafts around this building; he wouldn't hold still for a picture.
The city gardeners have been busy beautifying the corners and doorways on the street. Here a sweet potato vine covers the base of a boxwood topiary.
A pretty planting of caladium leaves and begonias.....
another planting of caladium leaves, this time a red variety mixed with ferns....
Charlotte, you are sure looking GOOD!!!!